Fincastle Town Council met last Thursday at the Fincastle Volunteer Fire Department Training Room for the regular monthly meeting.
Council member Ed Bordett reported on the status of the ongoing Big Spring Park grants project, noting that signage has been designed, and will be installed within the next month, as the bulk of the work related to this project winds down.
Town Manager Melanie McFadyen spoke on the status of various VDOT projects, including progress on the no-thru trucks signage and sidewalk repairs. She reported that there still remains some confusion regarding which town sidewalks are within VDOT’s right-of-way, which needs to be resolved.
McFadyen also reported on the status of a meeting that she and the Big Spring Park Committee had with a pond expert to get a professional opinion on the health of the pond, and any suggestions for cost effective ways to maintain it. According to the professional, the pond is healthy, though he did recommend several alternatives to reduce algae growth.
A report on the status of the annual financial statement audit by the town’s certified public accountant was postponed, due to an illness in his family. He will attend and report on the town’s financial statement audit at the council’s August meeting.
The July 4 fireworks have been rescheduled to Saturday night, August 31, at Breckinridge Elementary School. More details regarding this event will be forthcoming, as the town may try to incorporate a “grand reveal” on the completed Big Spring Park project. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1841 will be selling hot dogs at the event as planned.
McFadyen also reported that the town clerk, Morgan Keith, has taken a job with the Botetourt County Treasurer’s Office. McFadyen will be advertising for applicants to fill this position soon.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report