Photos by Matt de Simone
By Matt de Simone
Fincastle Town Council held the monthly meeting last Thursday at the Fincastle Volunteer Fire Department Training Room going over details regarding the FY2025 town budget, updating citizens on local grant projects, and looking ahead to upcoming events that includes preparations for the upcoming July 4 celebration.
Council held a public hearing about the town’s proposed FY2025 budget prepared by the financial committee. The budget sees projected revenues and expenditures totaling $545,000 from the general fund ($190,000) and water/sewer fund ($355,000). Town Council will make a final decision coming up at the next meeting on June 13.
A citizen asked council about the “Litter Grant” which appears in the FY2025 general fund. Mayor Mary Bess Smith explained that the grant is provided by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) annually. If the town can show the DEQ that it has taken measures to better ensure litter control through purchasing materials like trash bags and gloves as well as taking the time to go around picking up litter around town, the DEQ offers a grant to offset the cost for purchasing cleaning materials. Smith specified that the clean up would have to fit criteria set by the DEQ in order to receive a grant.
Town Manager Melanie McFadyen expounded on this topic later in the meeting explaining that the town is continuing to coordinate a “clean-up day” with the town’s groundskeeper. Last month, council pontificated bringing in a trailer for the community to dump their yard waste (leaves, sticks, etc.) but, while looking into a solution, it may be difficult for some members of the community hauling their yard waste to a central location. The town is currently looking for additional community input on how to better clear some of the excess leaves and branches laying around town.
In other matters discussed during last Thursday’s meeting, Ben Jackson, a member of VFW Post 1841, spoke to council about the organization becoming more involved in town activities and is hopeful to create more fundraising opportunities for the community. He posed the idea of the VFW selling hot dogs and sodas at the upcoming July 4th celebration at Breckinridge Elementary. Council noted that event attendees have asked about the lack of a food presence at recent fireworks events and that it may be a good idea this year, adding that no one had offered to provide food services for this year’s celebration as of last Thursday. Jackson noted that he wants the VFW to eventually have a regular presence at local community events.
Council approved McFadyen and Jackson looking into the requirements the town and the VFW would need to meet in order for the VFW to sell hot dogs during the July 4 event.
The town continues to try and lower the cost of pond maintenance at Big Spring Park. It was suggested by a specialist that the town treat the pond aerator once a month for nine months. Going that route would save the town money in the long run. McFadyen recommended monthly treatments as well. The question was raised by council about the “stagnation” of the pond and whether it’s worth looking into getting more water into the pond from the spring to raise the levels. Council members John Thomas and Ed Bordett agreed to look into the matter further and come up with possible solutions.
Meanwhile at the park, Eagle Scout Carter Baka-Collins from Troop 211 in Troutville and volunteers recently built a fence around the outdoor classroom neighboring Breckinridge Elementary. Volunteers also placed mulch along the clearing.
To review the agenda from the April 11 meeting of Fincastle Town Council, visit www.townoffincastle.org/agenda-minutes-packets.php.