The 38th annual First Bank Fall 5K and 10K Run is scheduled for this Saturday, October 19, beginning at Central Academy Middle School and winding through the Town of Fincastle. Registration is available at First Bank Fall 5K & 10K Run (https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Fincastle/FirstBankFallRun). Registration closes at 9 a.m. this Saturday.

Graphic courtesy of FirstBank
Local student artists are invited to submit an entry into a contest to design the logo for the race shirt. This year the winning artist was Colonial Elementary School student Scharlotte Rock. She will receive a $100 check as her award in addition to having her artwork displayed on hundreds of race t-shirts.
Each year First Bank teams with Mountain Junkies to provide professional chip timing. The chip timing system allows for accurate and almost instantaneous race results. Every bib has a chip attached that begins the runner’s time when they cross the mat at the starting line and ends when they cross the mat at the finish.
On the day of the race the Botetourt County Sheriff’s Department closes the streets to keep runners safe. This is an exciting time. Just ask a volunteer why they do it … I’ll bet you will hear from more than one saying, “You just have feel the excitement in the air!” The First Bank race shirts have become famous, and have been spotted on people states away. You’ll see locals and children wearing them at the grocery store or around town. The children that participate always remember it and have their shirts, medals and sometimes even trophies to prove it.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report