On behalf of the Botetourt County 4-H Program, we would like to update you on our current programming efforts.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, 4-H programs across the state have been affected for the foreseeable future. This includes 4-H school programming, face-to-face 4-H clubs meetings, as well as local, regional, and state.
Several local programs that were scheduled through March and April were canceled including our Share the Fun Talent Show and the Botetourt County 4-H Presentation Contest. Nearly 50 students from Botetourt County schools had qualified for the event by excelling in 4-H classroom contests in their schools. Students that were selected to attend the Presentation Contest had participated in dramatic reading and how-to demonstrations.
Last Friday, we received shocking news in regards to our annual 4-H Camp that was scheduled for June 8-12. Below is our official statement that was distributed across our various social media channels.
I am sorry to inform you that all Virginia 4-H summer camps, both day and residential, have been canceled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic — including the Botetourt/Rockbridge 4-H junior camp at the W.E. Skelton 4-H Center.
You will receive a full refund. We will void and return your camp deposit checks to you in the coming days. The decision was made to help reduce the rate of infection in the state and flatten the curve. Though we are not able to hold camp this year, we remain committed to growing future leaders and educating youth in Botetourt County.
We are utilizing our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram) to provide activities and educational opportunities and information can also be found on our website: https://botetourt.ext.vt.edu/contact.html. Thank you for your understanding as we go through these unprecedented and challenging times together.
Although our face-to-face programs are currently suspended, we encourage you to follow our social media channels for weekly educational content. We can be found on Facebook at Botetourt County 4-H and Instagram at Botetourt4H. If you have ideas for virtual activities or programs that you would like to see, please let us know. We have many ideas for future posts and we are excited to share those with you.
Several of our clubs are still sharing information and working on projects. Before our mandatory suspension of programs, our Horse and Pony Cloverbuds shared this information about their progress.
The Botetourt County 4-H Horse and Pony Cloverbud Club are busy doing many activities related to their favorite animal, the equine. The Cloverbuds have studied horse colors, markings, and breeds. They just had their Horseless Horse Show in which the Cloverbuds showed their model horses and ponies in classes just like at a real horse show. They even had a real judge, ribbons, and awards.
They have participated in many activities this year. We have visited horse stables, gone to horse shows at the Virginia Horse Center, participated in several holiday activities, and many more. Next, Cloverbuds are having a horse movie night, this spring they are going back to the Virginia Horse Center, and in the summer, they are having a graduation ceremony at the Botetourt Golf & Swim Club pool.
Cloverbuds have a lot of fun and learn many things along the way. They volunteer at local horse shows, donate supplies to the League for Animal Protection, and raise money by having concession stands at local horse events.
We will provide additional updates in May about the status of programs and share any available news.
If you would like more information on Botetourt County 4-H or the programs we offer, please contact Tyler Painter (tpaint85@vt.edu) at 473-8260.
-Tyler Painter
4-H Extension Agent