Henry Baker was born in 1763. He married Elizabeth Coffman in Botetourt County in 1826. Elizabeth was born about 1766. Henry died at age 74 in 1837. To the knowledge of the Botetourt Genealogy Club, Henry was the first burial in this family burial ground. Elizabeth died a few years later in 1841. Elizabeth Coffman Baker was the daughter of Jacob Coffman.
Their daughter Elizabeth was born in 1802 and died in 1841.
There are two other Baker graves, that of Anna and Theodophilus.
Anna Baker was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Baker. She was born in 1839 and died in 1919.
Theodophilus Baker died at age 10 in 1846.
The following information was found in the obituary of Abraham Washington Peery. He was a prominent farmer in Botetourt County. The family owned a home and farm in the Glebe Mills near Daleville. He was a valiant Confederate soldier, and he served four years. He was survived by three daughters and one son.
A.W. (Abraham Washington) Peery died at age 73 in 1916. Sarah Louisa (Baker) Peery, wife of A.W., was born in 1844 and died in 1909. They had five children buried here. They are as follows: Carl, Flossie, James, Price and Bessie Peery Long. According to the obituary of Bessie Long, she died in Miami, Fla., in 1950. She was survived by two sisters and a brother.
To add information to this Forgotten Cemetery, contact the Botetourt Genealogy Club at doreatr@yahoo.com.