The cemetery is located on private property. From Oriskany, Route 817 should be followed for as far as it goes. Eventually, an “end state maintenance” sign will appear. The road is drivable for a few more miles until a bar blocks the rest of the way. Travel on foot for an additional half- to three-quarter miles is required. The cemetery, which is located roughly 100 feet from the road on the right, isn’t visible from the road.
Those buried in the Switzer Cemetery include:
J.O. (Jacob Oliver) Switzer has a funeral home marker with no dates. J. O. Switzer’s death certificate shows he died in West Virginia in 1932 at the age of 66. He was the son of William and Harriet. He was brought back to the family burial ground by C. B. Collins Undertaker.
Lewis T. Switzer has a funeral home marker with no dates. His death certificate states Lewis was the son of William and Lillie. He died in 1926 at the age of 18.
Lillie Mae Switzer (1890-1960) was the daughter of Charles Redman and Margaret Tingler. H.W. Simmons at Eagle Rock handled her final arrangements.
Marshall Switzer has a funeral home marker with no dates. Marshall died in 1818 at the age of 13. He was also the son of William Oscar and Lillie Mae Redmond Switzer.
Roscoe Switzer (1911-1922) was the son of William O. and Lillie Mae.
William Oscar Switzer (1885-1938) was the son of William Thomas and Harriet Bennett Switzer and was a brother to Jacob Oliver Switzer. J. G. Desper, an undertaker in Eagle Rock, handled his funeral arrangements.