Historic Fincastle, Inc. (HFI) has announced a series of events throughout this summer that will celebrate Fincastle’s historic churches. Each event will present a lecture on the history of the church, a live music celebration and church fellowship.
The series’ first event will be at the First Baptist Church of Fincastle on the Blue Ridge Turnpike. The event, to be held on Saturday, April 13 at 3 p.m., will feature a historical discussion about the rich history of the church and feature music by the a cappella gospel group The Glorylanders. A fellowship will follow the presentation and music.
HFI’s May event will be held at the Fincastle Presbyterian Church and will feature a discussion by a church historian as well as music by Hannah Cox from the RSO. A fellowship will follow the program. The exact date is still under development, but the event will be held in late May.
The Fincastle United Methodist Church will present HFI’s June offering featuring historian Angela Coon and music by the church’s musical group. Again, a fellowship will follow the presentation. The June date is to be determined.
The September event in the series will be held on September 28, in conjunction with HFI’s Fincastle Fall Festival. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will present a historical discussion, music by the Botetourt Music Academy and a fellowship. The time is to be determined.
Visit HFI’s website at www.hisfin.org or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/historicfincastleinc for additional information and updates.

HFI announces planning for ‘Around Town, Vol. II’
In the 1970s, a committee of Dottie Kessler, chairman, Mary Westerman, treasurer, Bobbie Bowman, Angela Coon, H.W. Scott, E.C. Westerman Jr., Peggy Davis, publicity manager, and Marsha Campbell, publicity, gathered many pictures and assembled a book, “Around Town, A Pictorial Review of Old Fincastle.” This volume is still for sale through Historic Fincastle, Inc., and the Botetourt County Historical Society Museum.
It is time for a second volume that will cover the last half of the 20h century and possibly the first quarter of the 21st century. There will be an organizational meeting on March 26 at 11:30 a.m. in the Fincastle Library meeting room. The purpose of the meeting will be to talk about what should be included and to start planning for the collection of pictures. Anyone who has thoughts on this project is encouraged to attend. In the original book there are over 55 people acknowledged as contributors, so there is a great need for participation.
If you are interested in participating but cannot attend the meeting, contact Patsy Dickerson, psdicke@yahoo.com or 540-460-4597.
~Historic Fincastle, Inc.