Debbie Jarrell of Roanoke presented her piano students in their recital on Thursday, March 21 at Woodland Church. Twenty-eight students participated. A wide variety of music was shared with the audience, including, sacred, pop, classical and Disney tunes. Many friends and family attended the recital. The students are (from left): front, Leona Wilhoit, Clayton Messer, Jaxon Green, Finn Ludwinski, Julia Steryous, Indigo Carter, Zane Burke, Ansley McMeans, Layn Burke, Caroline Pavelka; middle, Ben Ludwinski, Carly Messer, Abigail Amoroso, Afton Patrick, Averi Alderman, Raelyn Farnsworth, Hunt Burke, Kaylen Ludwinski, Samuel Viesca; back, Adrienne Farnsworth, Cameron Matutina, Olivia Pavelka, Amelia Floyd, Ally Phillips, Miles Patrick, Morgan Gartland, and Sophie Pavelka.
~ Debbie Jarrell