Seth Spickard, a senior at James River High School, attended Virginia’s American Legion Boys State at Radford University in June 2021. American Legion Post 93, Buchanan, sponsored him.
Seth spoke about his Boys State experience with members of Post 93 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5895 on November 23. Seth gave an excellent explanation of all aspects of Boys State, where he joined rising high school seniors brought together from across the state to learn about, discuss and apply the principles of Virginia government, local through state level. While there, Seth participated in extracurricular focus groups; including parliamentary procedure and participating in the Boys State band.
Seth spoke highly of the program and was grateful for the opportunity to attend. He was impressed by the comradery and spirit of mutual helpfulness of fellow delegates, none of whom he had met before. Seth now stays in touch with the friendships he developed during this weeklong event.
Seth, a James River Marching Band drum major, honored the veterans by performing the Star-Spangled Banner and God Bless America, accompanied by fellow band members Ethan Spickard (brother) and Macy Williams,.
Seth will attend Hampden Sydney College in the fall of 2022.