Eleven members of the Lord Botetourt FFA attended the 93rd annual State FFA Convention on the campus of Virginia Tech this summer, Maddie Badgley, Brandon Creasy, Tucker Grimshaw, Ethan Ruble, Andrew Seibel, Claire Seibel, Tess Seibel, Faith Settle, Brian Watts, J.P. Whorley and Aviana Wilson.
At the convention, members compete in various Career Development Events (CDEs) or Leadership Development Events (LDEs). They also attend various leadership workshops and business sessions.
Claire Seibel completed her term as Vice President of the State FFA, a role that included traveling not only all across Virginia but also included many trips across the country and a trip to other countries to gain an understanding of the role of Agriculture globally. She also played a major role in the organization and planning of the convention and participated in all of the business sessions.
Tess Seibel was selected to represent the Virginia as its candidate for a national office when she attends the National FFA Convention this fall in Indianapolis, Ind. Tess also, as part of her role as Past President of the State FFA, served as chair for the nominating committee to select the next slate of state officers.
Tucker Grimshaw, Ethan Ruble, Brian Watts and J.P. Whorley competed in the State Agriculture Mechanic CDE. In this event they had to take a written exam, perform skill activities in arc welding, electrical wiring, small engines, machinery service and construction. The team placed first in the event, with Tucker named as the high scoring individual in the event. They will continue on to the national competition this fall at the National FFA Convention.
Andrew Seibel competed in the Employment Skills LDE. In this event he had to write a formal letter of intent for a position at a local agricultural business, prepare a formal resumé and fill out an extensive employment application. He then had to go through several rounds of interviews and complete a networking skills exercise. Andrew placed second in the state and will represent Virginia at the Eastern Regional Competition in Springfield, Mass. in September.
Maddie Badgley, Brandon Creasy, Faith Settle and Aviana Wilson competed in the Dairy Cattle Evaluation CDE. In this event they had to take a written test on various parts of the dairy industry and judge groups of dairy cattle. They placed sixth in the state.