Submit rather than adjudicate?
With so many local and national crises today – both real and fabricated – it’s often difficult to keep up with all of them. As a Botetourt County resident, I’ve watched with curiosity as the Board of Supervisors attempts to find a suitable place to relocate the Confederate Monument that sits outside the County Courthouse in Fincastle.
Since I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, I don’t have a dog in this fight. However, it concerns me where the dogs are going and whom else they might bite along the way. It surprises and saddens me that Botetourt County has fallen into the useless symbolism-over-substance insanity that drives radical liberals in areas such as Charlottesville, Richmond, and Fairfax. Is this rather plain landmark really causing so much offense and division among county residents that it must be moved? Or is it simply easier to submit rather than adjudicate?
I’ve lived in Virginia for 25 years, most of it here in the county. I know my history well, and while I didn’t always understand the reluctance of Southern patriots to leave the past behind, I’ve gained an appreciation for the incredible commitment, sacrifice and glorious bravery that evokes pride in the noble cause of the Confederacy. Why should that be denied them? Are the descendants of Confederate soldiers any less entitled to celebrate their struggle for freedom than those of any other demographic group?
It seems to me that Botetourt County residents would be better served by refusing to be dragged into this farcical controversy and, instead, educate the uninformed sector of the public to the fact that the American Civil War was not a battle for slavery, but rather a battle against the tyranny of a majority. In light of the local, state and national injustices that are occurring right now, that might be far more profitable in the end.
Timothy Buchanan
A service project filled with appreciation
This year extracurricular clubs are on hold at Lord Botetourt High School due to Covid restrictions. However, the Key Club is creatively finding ways to perform community service responsibly.
Our first service project was a rewarding success. It started with the idea of showing appreciation to people in the community. Having no funds, new club officers and Covid restrictions forced our Key Club to find just the right service project. Everybody loves fruit baskets so we started with that idea. One thing led to another. Bank of Botetourt and the Kiwanis Club of Botetourt gave us incredible support as we struggled with several challenges. Cathy Benson helped us advertise fruit basket sales through The Botetourt Bee Facebook news page.
Our goal was for people in the community to buy 50 baskets that would be hand delivered to teachers, EMS workers, custodians and other service-related workers in the community. We knew we needed to limit in-person contact and Bank of Botetourt made it possible for community members to pay for their fruit baskets through the drive in at the Daleville bank location. This was a tremendous help. Bank of Botetourt also generously supported our idea through basket sales.
Kiwanis Club members offered support through advice and baskets sales also.
This project ended up being a community effort. Key Club members delivered fruit baskets the week of November 16-20 to Lord Botetourt High School, Greenfield Elementary School, Read Mountain Middle School, BCPS Central Office, Planning Commission Office, St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, County Administrator’s Office, Fincastle Fire and Rescue Station, Troutville Fire and Rescue Station, Bank of Botetourt, The Botetourt Bee, Limestone Park Drive In Service, and the Botetourt Family YMCA. Handwritten cards were attached to each basket and read, “You Are Awesome. Thank you for making a difference!”
Thank you, Botetourt County, for your support! Stay tuned for future Key Club service projects by following us on Facebook (@KeyClubLBHS) or Instagram (lbhs.keyclub). New Key Club members can become involved by sending an email to
Lord Botetourt Key Club