Reader supports county libraries, discouraged by Senator Head
It is discouraging to pass the Troutville “intersection of shame” and see the awful sign on Route 11 slandering our county libraries. Happily, almost everyone I talk to is supportive of our libraries. Almost everyone I talk to is NOT interested in purging library bookshelves. Almost everyone I talk to is grateful for the tireless work of our library and school workers. I haven’t talked to ANYONE who is a member or supporter of this movement.
It is obvious that some groups far beyond Botetourt are engineering these efforts. We see parallels in many different parts of our country.
It is discouraging to see Mr. Head aligning himself with this misguided movement. I wonder if Mr. Cline is likewise supportive, as I see his sign right next to the offensive one in Troutville. It would be nice to hear him speak with a more measured voice, but I realize that GOP candidates are in a difficult position these days. Unless they cater to the most fringe and extreme elements, they will be in danger of being tossed to the curb in favor of an even more extreme candidate. I hope my fellow citizens will pay VERY close attention to all local elections, because the way some of our officials have been treated makes it more and more likely that stable people will not want to even be considered for these offices.
The current primary system makes it very difficult to have a candidate (whether Democrat or Republican or Independent) that serves as a common sense voice for normal people. One can always hope and dream.
Thank you to those who continue to serve despite facing allegations and criticism and harassment. And remember – What you vote is what you get.
Robert Stutes
Buchanan citizens express views on candidates
The Town of Buchanan is at a crossroads, one that needs to be corrected to pull the town together to a successful future. We must decide if the individuals who are on the ballot for mayor and council are the ones we need or do we need to add additional names as write-ins? Individuals who will stand up for what is right and act in a manner that is not an embarrassment to those they represent. We have thought long and hard about the candidate that we want in these positions – maybe you share similar thoughts:
We need and want candidates who …
… have good character, meaning integrity, ethics, and an excellent moral compass. Will they be truthful? Will they follow the rules that apply to the mayor and council? Will they be driven by an intent to do what is right for the people and not for self-glory and power?
…will be relationship builders, meaning they will put in time and effort to build relationships with their fellow council members, town staff and the greater community. Do they recognize that disrespect, contempt and personal attacks (either in person or social media) undermine sound governing?
will be team players and demonstrate strong communications, meaning they are able to articulate their positions, remain open-minded about the positions of others and be open to working constructively with others to produce a result best serving the community and not themselves?
…will be emotionally mature, meaning they understand the need to stay in tune with their own emotions, are able to set aside those emotions, cope effectively with intense emotions of others, stay engaged rather than shut down, and welcome dissent without over-reacting to it, realizing disagreement is not necessarily criticism.
…will be fearless, meaning they have the courage to withstand criticism without attacking those who object and hold a position if their research, consideration of other perspectives, principles and ethics convince them it is in the best interest of the town, even in the face of opposition.
…will be accessible, meaning they are accessible to the town, its citizens and will listen carefully to others, with a desire to understand the concerns, ideas and perspectives.
…will be compassionate, meaning they have a heartfelt concern for the quality of life for all living in Buchanan, and will take a compassionate approach in their decision making.
…will be critical, pragmatic, visionary thinkers, meaning they will consider short- and long-term impacts of their decisions, and be realistic about policy making while considering achievable aspirational goals that will improve the quality of life of Buchanan residents.
…will be prepared, meaning do their homework and research needed to participate meaningfully at the Town Council meetings and other town-related settings/meetings/programs.
…will understand town finances, meaning they have the financial acumen to understand the town budget, or do whatever necessary to improve that skill, so as policymakers they can evaluate budgets and financial statements.
We feel these are a good foundation for anyone running for office, especially in a small town which for the past year has been torn apart. Let’s look at the big picture and who can help us get there.
Concerned citizens
Kitty W. Edwards
Jessie & Mike Burton
Jim & Patricia Kidd
I just wanted to comment on the seasonal decorations at the Daleville post office. They are always so pleasant and helpful there. I asked about the recent fall decorations and I understand that Rhonda does these on her own. Just wanted to give her a shout out as
this is much appreciated and often commented on. Janet L. Wern