Come early for Fincastle July 4th fireworks show
The Town of Fincastle Fourth of July fireworks will be held at Breckinridge Elementary on Wednesday, July 4. The fireworks will go off at dark. Come early, have a picnic, play games or visit with friends. Please bring money for the donation hat for the fireworks.
I want to thank those who have already donated. The Fourth of July fireworks have been going on for more than 30 years and I hope there will be many more years.
Paige Ware
No reason to expand Town of Troutville
In response to the article on expanding the Town of Troutville, there is no reason for this expansion for the town. Dean Paderick states, “no changes in taxes or new taxes, and no forced water hook ups.”
Well, all said for now but over time and the Western Virginia Water Authority will possibly have more say about water hook ups. Even written promises can be changed in time and community changes as well as changes to Town Council’\s and Board of Supervisors. This sounds too much like political talk to me. Can Paderick’s statement be taken as a promise on which if all fails to pan out, would he promise to resign from Town Council with a promise never to return to any position within the town or within the county.
With that said, the expansion should now include the southern portion of the county, there’s a better chance for that area to grow into a business infrastructure. With this change it is a way to make the town look more like Fincastle. After all, a while back the Town of Troutville wanted on-street parking through the town like Buchanan with traffic reduced to two lanes with no businesses, such as it is that would have a wasted effort. The way things are now is workable but no one wants any business in the town. Just leave it alone. Like the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
In most towns that’s annexed, taxes change and water and sewer hook ups are mandatory, only gas hook ups are as wanted. The town should concentrate on the junk piling up around places already in the town limits. Taking pride with appearance makes for a beautiful town, not land mass which will lead to greed for money. After all, two places come to mind; first is the Coble place across from A-Plus auto, nothing but scrap autos. And then there’s A-Plus who piles some many repairs that sit there like forever. I thought when they applied for a license it was stated so many cars with no storage.
In all, the area between Mountain Pass Road and Valley Road applies to: “Clean up the town, please!”
Anthony Wilkerson