[SUBMITTED PHOTO]The Daleville-Fincastle Lions Club inducted new member Keith Hartman at its July 27 meeting. From left are Hartman, Past President Forest Wagner, who performed the induction ceremony, and President Teresa Fridley, who was Hartman’s sponsor. All three are active members of the Botetourt Chamber of Commerce in addition to being members of the Daleville-Fincastle Lions Club. Hartman was previously an active member of the Richmond West Breakfast Lions Club. The Daleville-Fincastle Lions Club meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday at The Glebe in Daleville. For more information, contact Secretary Lowell Skelton at (540) 420-2427 or lskelton0169@jetbroadband.com or Scott Johnston at scott.johnston@dflions.org. Visitors are always welcome.