The Daleville-Fincastle Lions presented a $1,000 check and a “Character Counts!” miniature race car at the April 16 meeting to Wanda Martin, founder of Character Counts!
Each year, the Character Counts! organization conducts a week long Character Academy for 24 rising sixth graders representing each of the seven elementary schools in Botetourt County. The attendees participate in team building activities at Camp Bethel on the first day and the remainder of the academy is involved in activities that provide the attendees with a deeper understanding of the six pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.
“The Daleville-Fincastle Lions are pleased that they are able to support this character building program for our Botetourt County youth,” a Lions Club spokesman said.
~ Daleville-Fincastle Lions Club