Members of the Daleville/Fincastle Lions met in the evening of January 26 at the Troutville Fire Department.
The guest speaker was Emily Talbot-Guilotte, representing the Botetourt chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She explained a project called “Manufacturer’s Coupons for Deployed Service Families” that she has headed for a number of years. Basically, anyone can save the retail flyers found in the newspaper or the mail and forward them to members of the Lions Club or drop them off at either Bank of Botetourt, The Bank of Fincastle, or the post office. Manufacturer’s coupons will be cut out by DAR members and sent to a base in Japan for military families to use. The coupons are honored up to six months past the expiration date shown on the coupon. The cost of living is extremely high in the area of this base and families really appreciate being able to lower their grocery and staples bills, she said.
Members were also asked to sign up to support the LOA Soup for Seniors food drive on February 5. They will be stationed throughout the day at the Daleville Kroger. Help end senior hunger by giving soup, crackers and other shelf stable food items to the LOA’s 19th annual “Soup for Seniors” collection. This is an example of one of the service projects the Lions Club participates in to help the community.