By Matt de Simone

“What Lurks Below” is local author Jordan Thompson’s first novel published. Monster Ivy Publishing recently released her book. The story centers around a brother and sister living in a society where their world appears perfect. But when Amelia, the story’s protagonist, discovers their home is flawed, she must find a way out of their dystopian society.
Thompson is a graduate of Lord Botetourt High School. From there, she graduated with an English degree from Mary Baldwin College.
“When I got to college, I was able to take a Writing for Fiction course with a professor who was an author,” Thompson explained. “The class fueled my fire, taught me the ins and outs, and helped me navigate the craft.”
Thompson began writing in the sixth grade, loading her notebooks with stories. By her senior year of high school, she was already working on a novel.
“I worked on that book for a really long time and queried the story to agents and publishers,” Thompson stated. “Nothing came of it. I guess it was 2018 when I sat down and decided to shift gears [from my first novel] to ‘What Lurks Below.'”
“I had this really bizarre dream,” Thompson explained. “I wrote it all down, and I felt the Lord telling me, ‘Jordan, you need to write this.’ So, I did.”
“What Lurks Below” is a combination of that inspiring dream, the stories she grew up writing, and the love for her favorite novels. Thompson is currently working on another Young Adult Fantasy novel. She’s also co-writing a book with a friend who also works in the literary field.
To keep up with updates from Jordan Thompson, give her a follow on her Instagram page: @jordanthompsonauthor.