By Matt de Simone – Contributing writer
While this is the final novel in the series, Ingram benefited from his Creative Writing students reading his stories. “My Creative Writing students at Lord Botetourt have proofed all four of the books,” Ingram explained. “They have supplied invaluable tips on making the characters more realistic and true to life, given me ideas on what to cover, and helped with and created dialog. That’s why in every one of the four books, I have listed the names of Creative Writing students who contributed to the books’ content.”
Ingram’s newest novel focuses on a transitional year for most high school students. As seniors, his main characters want to get into college and want to figure out what to do about their romantic entanglements. With high school wrapping up, the students discover the next chapters in their young adult lives and how it will impact their friendships moving forward.
“For example, the four main characters have changed the way they feel about each other from beginning to end,” Ingram continued. “Luke and Marcus would have never done anything together. They are two different boys from different backgrounds. By their senior year, they’re hanging out together.”
Ingram said that this is the final book in the series. “Twelfth Grade Hopes and Fears” is his fourth Young Adult novel in four years. On top of writing and publishing four novels in four years, Ingram also wrote 70 magazine articles in 2019.
“I never planned to write a new book this year,” Ingram explained. “It’s a good thing because I spend 12 hours a day teaching these days. Believe me, it’s much easier to teach when you can be with the kids every single day.”
Unfortunately, Ingram and many other teachers in Botetourt County adjust to the new model during the ever-changing COVID-19 mandates set for schools and how the administrators want the children educated remotely and in the classrooms.
For more information on how to purchase a copy of “Twelfth Grade Hopes and Fears,” contact Ingram via his email address at