[SUBMITTED PHOTO]During the pandemic disruptions of 2020-2021, which canceled in-person Lord Botetourt High School Key Club activities, an application was completed for a Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Grant. The grant money, designated for programs that provide food for children, was awarded and recently distributed on February 2 to coordinators and volunteers of the local Botetourt Backpack Buddies Program, representing seven elementary schools and 10 local churches. Representatives from the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation, Hiawatha Nicely, two-time lieutenant governor and Foundation vice president, along with Father Rich Workowski, chaplain of the Kiwanis Club of Botetourt County, were present to share information about the Kiwanis Club and to thank volunteer coordinators. Orchard Hills Church provided the meeting space and hospitality for the gathering. In addition, past Key Club President and Division 15B Key Club Lt. Gov. Olivia Turner shared information about Key Club, the CDKF grant, and upcoming Division15B service projects.