Nineteen people gathered at the Eagle Rock Library flagpole at noon on Thursday, May 4, for the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer. This year’s theme was “Pray Fervently in Righteousness and Avail Much,” based on James 5:16b: “…the fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.”
After a word of welcome by the Rev. Robert McRae, retired pastor from Galatia Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Emily Hook, current pastor at Galatia, led the group in an opening prayer.
A rousing a cappella rendition of a stanza of “America the Beautiful” by those gathered was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
The remainder of the time at the gathering was devoted to prayer. The Rev. McRae began the prayer time by offering this year’s “National Prayer” written by Kathy Branzell, 2023 president of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.
Prayers were offered by individuals in the group for all aspects of the life of the nation, including churches, schools, students, parents, local law enforcement, state legislature and governor, Supreme Court, Congress, and the President. After group singing of “The Doxology,” a closing prayer was offered by the Rev. Ray Sandifer, pastor of the Eagle Rock United Methodist Charge.
Following a local tradition, the majority of the group enjoyed a Dutch treat lunch at Maw & Paw’s Diner.