By Aila Boyd

Photo by Aila Boyd
Rep. Ben Cline (R-6th) visited with officials from Botetourt County Public Schools Monday morning at the Central Administration Office in Fincastle.
Dr. Lisa Chen, the superintendent, introduced Cline by noting that he replaced former Rep. Bob Goodlatte who retired in January. He moved to Botetourt County from Rockbridge County over the summer.
Cline serves as a member of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Education and Labor Committee. He previously represented the 24th District in the House of Delegates.
“We are so excited to have you,” Chen said to Cline. “Thank you for being here.”
The two-week congressional recess that is currently under way is keeping Cline busy. He reported that he’s using the time to meet with constituents from the 19 municipalities that comprise his district. “There’s a lot about the district I need to learn,” he said.
“I’m new to Botetourt County, so I’m anxious to get to meet everybody,” Cline said. “I’m particularly excited about what you’re doing in the school system. I’ve heard some wonderful things about the education system.”
He noted that he toured the Botetourt Technical Education Center (BTEC) earlier this year. “I tried on the hood with the simulated welding, but they wouldn’t let me near any actual welding,” he joked.
Going forward, he said that he wants to help ensure that area students continue to have access to “high skilled, high paying jobs” like the ones that BTEC prepares students for.
“We all want what’s best for our kids,” he said.
He said that he particularly enjoys serving on the House Education and Labor Committee.
Cline, a freshman Republican, has been in office a little more than 10 months.
“Washington is very partisan right now,” he said. “We just can’t get anything done with that type of attitude.”
Following his comments, Cline answered a round of questions.
“Thank you all for what you do each and every day,” he said to the educators and administrators who were in attendance.