Robert McRae, retired pastor of Galatia Evangelical Presbyterian Church, has recently released a book titled “Sentinels of the Faith: Called to Worship in Botetourt County, Virginia.” The book touches on some 270 years of Trinitarian Christian Church history in Botetourt County. The book was written as a way of continuing to celebrate Botetourt County’s 250th anniversary.
“The idea for the book grew out of a desire to compile a complete list of churches in Botetourt for use with the Weekday Religious Education Program eight or nine years ago,” McRae said in a recent email. “That idea expanded to possibly include a short blurb about each church. However, for various reasons that idea was put on the shelf for several years.”
In early 2020, after McRae and his wife Jane returned from a trip to the Holy Land, the “church project” idea had expanded to producing a book containing a one-page historical sketch of each church, accompanied by a full-page picture of each. And when the pandemic came along curtailing many activities, including most of the 250th anniversary celebrations, the McRaes decided to use that time to hopefully complete the book on churches.
By the end of 2021, the first draft of the book, which Robert had decided to title “Sentinels of the Faith: Called to Worship in Botetourt County, Virginia,” had been completed and submitted to the publisher. By early fall this year, the book was printed and is now available in softcover ($20) and hardcover ($40).
At present, the book is available for purchase at the Scripture Truth Bookstore in Fincastle, at the Botetourt County Historical Museum, and at Robert’s home (as well as from the back of his car). You may contact Robert by calling or texting 540-797-6675 or by emailing at roja.mcrae@gmail.com.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report