Read Mountain FFA members recently attended the 93rd Annual Virginia FFA State Convention in Blacksburg June 17-20, along with more than 1,500 members, teachers and guests. Read Mountain took seven members and competed in three different events.
Kara Booth won second place in state in the FFA Creed Speaking Leadership Development Event (LDE). She competed against five other area winners. In order to compete at the state event at Virginia Tech, Booth had to first win her area event in April at the South Ridge Area FFA Creed Speaking Event held in Chatham. With her state win, Booth now has earned the opportunity to represent Virginia FFA in the “Big E” in Massachusetts this September. The FFA Creed LDE is for FFA members in grades seventh, eighth, and ninth. They must present the FFA Creed from memory and answer questions about its meaning and purpose. The event boosts self-confidence and develops their ability to communicate in a powerful, professional manner.
The Jr. Horse Evaluation Team placed fourth in the state. Team members were Molly Caldwell, Kent Basham, Sophia Burbridge and Sydney Parr. Molly Caldwell placed ninth individually in the event. The Junior Horse Evaluation Career Development Event (CDE) is open to FFA members in grades 6-9. The CDE allows students to evaluate and rank horses based on breed characteristics, conformation and performance. They then give oral reasons to judges to validate their placement decisions in a one on one format. This event also boosts self-confidence and reinforces problem-solving skills.
The Plant Science team placed sixth in the state. Team members were Jackie Corl, Sydney Parr, Sophia Burbridge, and Kirin Miller. Jackie Corl received Second High Individual in the event and blue ribbon recognition. Sydney Parr and Kirin Miller both received red ribbon recognition. Sophia Burbridge received yellow ribbon recognition. The Plant Science event is designed to introduce students to the growth process and development of a variety of plants used in the agricultural and horticultural industries. The event includes activities related to identification, planting, general plant care and science of plant growth and development. Contestants take a written test, participate in identification, and problem solving. This year’s practicums included soil sampling and judging barley seeds.
If interested in becoming a member of FFA, contact Amy Stevens, Agriscience instructor at Read Mountain or Stuart Byrd at Lord Botetourt, Kyle Kidwell at James River, Andy Bell at BTEC or Jennifer Hannah at Central Academy.