Photo by Matt de Simone
By Matt de Simone
Contributing writer
Last Thursday, the Botetourt County School Board recognized local schools that were awarded the 2019 Board of Education Continuous Achievement Award. The Virginia Board of Education annually recognizes schools that meet criteria set in place for overall progress and prosperous conditions.
School Board Chair Michael Beahm and Superintendent Dr. Lisa Chen presented plaques to Eagle Rock Elementary Principal Sandy Gould, Central Academy Principal Tim McClung, and James River Principal Jamie Talbott, who were each joined by members from the schools’ respective staff. Each principal thanked the board and the members of the community in attendance.
“A whole lot of people worked hard,” McClung said as he received the award from Beahm. Many of his staff members were on hand to accept the award along with the principal.
The criteria for the Continuous Achievement Award is set based on performance. Qualifying schools must raise the pass rates of their reading and math courses continuously over the course of a three-year period. Pass rates are based on the performances of individual students and how well they perform as a group.
Schools must have a drop off in absenteeism. The Board of Education wants a 15 percent decrease every three years in students reported absent from Virginia schools who are eligible for the award. High schools must have their students graduate. The higher the graduation rate, the better chance a school stands at vying for one of the Virginia Board of Education’s Exemplar Performance School Awards.

Photo by Matt de Simone