There has been a lot of public sentiment for “shop local and buy local” themes in the last few years and Buchanan is putting those words to heart this Friday, Jan. 13 during Soup Night Cash Mob.
“Members of the Buchanan Special Events Committee searched for a way to help the downtown merchants during the bleak winter weather while adding a social opportunity for the public,” said Revitalization and Events Coordinator Harry Gleason. “After a little research, the group decided to take a chance on the recent phenomenon of Cash Mobs and gave the event a Buchanan twist with their invention of the Soup Night Cash Mob.”
The evening’s activities encourage the public to shop and dine local at the Buchanan shops and restaurants during extended hours from 5-8:30 p.m.; however, it adds a social twist encouraging visitors to spend time with friends while enjoying a free cup of soup. “Sounds pretty lucky for a Friday the 13th,” Gleason said.
“This marks the fourth year for the Soup Night and it grows each year. Some people choose to forgo soup and instead support the restaurants by dining first, then strolling around the shops before going to a movie at the Buchanan Theatre,” Gleason said.
“This year the Buchanan Theatre is donating a pair of tickets to each restaurant to give away to a lucky individual at each restaurant,” added Standing Room Only board member Sharon Coleman.
Shop owner and Special Events Committee member Barbara Stull said she is amazed at the generosity of the Special Events Committee members and Town Improvement Society members who donate taco soup, potato soup, chicken noodle soup as well as other varieties of soup to feed the guests. “It is a real community event and great to see the community support,” Stull added.