Superintendents and principals representing the six school systems in Dabney S. Lancaster Community College’s service area came to the Clifton Forge campus for their annual meeting with DSLCC President Dr. John Rainone. Seated, from left: Principal Dwayne Ross, Alleghany High School; Botetourt County Superintendent Dr. John Busher; Principal Jamie Talbott, James River High School; Principal Mike Craft, Rockbridge County High School; and Rockbridge County Assistant Superintendent Heywood Hand; Standing, from left: Principal Dr. Mike Perry, Bath County High School; Superintendent Dr. John Keeler, Buena Vista Public Schools; Principal Anna Graham, Parry McCluer High School; Superintendent Melinda Snead-Johnson, Covington City Schools; Principal Derek Cantrell, Covington High School; Superintendent Eugene Kotulka, Alleghany County School Division; Dr. Rainone; Dr. Ben Worth, DSLCC Vice President for Academic Affairs.