The Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office encourages parents to talk with their teenage drivers during Teen Driver Safety Week about the importance of safe driving, and offers the following information to share with them.
“As we approach Teen Driving Safety Week, we want to remind you how crucial it is to make responsible choices behind the wheel. Your safety and the safety of everyone on the road depends on it,” said Sheriff Matt Ward.
Here are some important tips from the Sheriff’s Office to keep in mind:
After spending years protecting your children from all sorts of dangers on and off the road, you now face the prospect of handing them the keys to the family car. It is time for them to learn how to drive. Are you prepared?
Avoid Impaired and Distracted Driving –
Never drive under the influence Remember, Virginia has a Zero Tolerance Law that prohibits anyone under 21 from consuming any alcohol. Even small amounts can impair your ability to drive safely.
Stay focused –
Put your phone away and avoid any distractions. Texting or using apps while driving can wait. Your attention is imperative to ensure everyone’s safety on the road.
Follow the Speed Limit –
Speeding has consequences. Speeding accounts for nearly a third of all fatalities on our roads. While speeding may seem like the quick and easy option to make up time when you’re running late, speed limits are established to ensure you have enough time to react to any hazards. Slow down and arrive safely!
Always Wear Your Seat Belt –
Buckling up is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself. Make it a habit every time you are in a car, no exceptions!
Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) –
The GDL law limits nighttime driving for young drivers and restricts the number of passengers you can have in your vehicle. These rules are designed to eliminate distractions, help you gain experience, and keep you safe.
Your choices matter. Let’s make this Teen Driving Safety Week a time to commit to safer driving habits. Together, we can reduce crashes and save lives. “Buckle Up. Slow Down. Drive Sober.”
~ Botetourt Co. Sheriff’s Office