Georgia Honts, a senior at James River High School, is the winner of the Art Design contest to be featured on the T-shirts for the 2022 First Bank Fall 5K &10K Run in Fincastle on October 15. Honts received an award of $100 from First Bank for her winning art design. This competition was open to students in Botetourt County who were 17 and younger. The Botetourt County Rotary Club, working with Botetourt County Public Schools, was overwhelmed with the response and the amazing submitted entries. All the entries will be displayed at Central Academy Middle School on Race Day.
First Bank is the leading sponsor of this popular, longstanding event in Botetourt County in partnership with the Botetourt County Rotary Club and Botetourt County Public Schools. In the 36th year of this popular race, the purpose remains to encourage youth, and runners of all ages, to achieve healthy living and community building.
Sign-up for the race is now open at Runsignup.com/Race/VA/Fincastle/FirstBankFallRun. Everyone who registers by October 4 is guaranteed a shirt featuring Honts’ design. The cost to enter the race is $15 for students aged 17 and under and $30 for adults. After October 4, all registrations are $35. The net proceeds from the race will support First Bank scholarships at Botetourt County high schools and the Rotary Club’s youth-related and other charitable activities.

The 2022 First Bank Fall Run starts at 9 a.m. at Central Academy Middle School on Poor Farm Road, winds through the Town of Fincastle, and ends back at Central Academy. At the conclusion of the race, trophies and medals are presented to the top individual, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place runners in adult and youth age groups; similar awards for those who compete in elementary, middle school, high school, and open teams.
As always, assistance from numerous volunteers will be essential to the success of this event. Volunteers can assist with registrations, awards, counters, road guards, and in other ways to make the race a safe and enjoyable event for all. Adults 18 and older may sign up to volunteer at www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0a48acae2ea5f85-2022.
– Joe Obenshain
Botetourt Rotary Club