By Patricia Morris
Residents, staff and visitors to The Glebe, a LifeSpire of Virginia continuing care retirement community in Daleville, have given $5,893 in support of several area nonprofit organizations so far this year.
“Music in the Mountains” is an annual concert series created by The Glebe resident Carole Edwards. Edwards and four other pianists perform as a gift to the Botetourt community. No admission is charged, but residents and visitors contribute to support local charities. The spring edition, “Carole Edwards and Friends,” raised $3,269 for St. Francis Service Dogs, which provided a different service dog for each concert as a demonstration of the valuable assistance the dogs afford people in need. The summer edition, a solo piano recital by Erica Sipes, benefitted the Roanoke Youth Symphony (RYS) with $369. A fall edition will also benefit the RYS.
The Glebe also participated in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, raising $2,137, and The Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day, raising $118.
The Glebe hosts annual support of these organizations through the leadership and participation of residents. Residents and staff alike are committed to giving back to Botetourt County in appreciation of the partnerships with county organizations and businesses.
(Patricia Morris is vice president of the VBH Foundation, a mission subsidiary of LifeSpire of Virginia, formerly Virginia Baptist Homes.)