Photo courtresy of Ann Layman
The Botetourt Town & County Women’s Club won first place recognition from the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) at the Virginia State Convention for the club’s Community Improvement Project.
Thirty-two members spent over 983 hours of volunteer service and $4,951 for in-kind supplies during the two-year project (2021-2023). They were able to clean, paint, put up curtains and shelves, landscape and improve the 1871 house after it was purchased by Botetourt County Historical Society, Inc. The property is the present Botetourt Museum of History and Culture on Main Street in Fincastle. Items were moved from the previous location behind the Botetourt Courthouse.
This club created a Barbie Exhibit last year, gave out Halloween candy and decorated the Museum Tinsel Trail Christmas Tree for 2 years.
Grace Tesoro and Annette Shaw were co-presidents during this CIP project which benefits the community and future generations. It goes on to compete at the National GFWC Convention in Chicago in June 2024.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report