Photo courtesy of Town of Buchanan
By Matt de Simone
Buchanan Mayor Tristan Harris and Town Council recognized the Bank of Botetourt on 125 years of service to the town and surrounding area during the October 15 meeting of Buchanan’s Town Council.
Harris read a proclamation noting the bank’s services and what they offer the community. Bank of Botetourt President and COO Michelle Austin, a Buchanan native, was on hand to receive a special commemoration. Austin was joined by Buchanan Branch Manager Karen Newbill, and Universal Banker and Natural Bridge Head Teller Jenny Petty.
“We’ve been here, in Buchanan, for the entire 125 years,” Austin said. “We enjoy the relationship with the town. Karen, Jenny, and I grew up here and it means a lot to serve our hometown. It’s a great partnership.”
Buchanan Town Council adopts PPTRA relief resolution
Council adopted a resolution setting the personal property rate at 32 cents per $100 of a vehicle’s assessed valuation. This tax relief will be allocated so as to eliminate personal property taxation for qualifying personal use vehicles valued at $1,000 or less. Qualifying personal use vehicles valued at $1,001-$20,000 will be eligible for 100% tax relief for the 2024 tax year. Vehicles valued at $20,001 or more shall only receive 100% tax relief for the 2024 tax year on the first $20,000 of value.
All other vehicles that do not meet the definition of “qualifying” (including business use vehicles, farm use vehicles, motor homes, etc.) will not be eligible for any form of tax relief under this program. The percentage applied to the categories of qualifying personal use vehicles are estimated fully to use all available Personal Property Tax Relief Act (PPTRA) funds allocated to the Town of Buchanan by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Public hearing November 7 regarding Comcast agreement
Council authorized an upcoming public hearing to consider Comcast Cable to enter a franchise agreement with Buchanan in order to install cable in town. This hearing will take place on Thursday, November 7 at 7 p.m.
According to the town, Comcast is also aware that Buchanan needs to place Christmas decorations on the front of the town’s light poles. This matter will possibly be added to the franchise agreement or separately.
Staff commented that this agreement with Comcast is standard and non-exclusive. Comcast would pay all fees and charges associated with public hearing advertisement and all legal fees incurred by the town. The cable provider would also be responsible for the repair of any potential damages, the negotiation of easements, and shared facility agreements with other utilities.
Council authorizes volunteer to plan and organize 2024 Festival of Lights
As Christmas approaches, Buchanan Town Council approved authorization for town volunteers to plan, organize, and implement the Festival of Lights for 2024 with a budget not to exceed $4,637, working directly with staff to order desired items.
According to the town, last year, a group of volunteers set up some of the Christmas lights at Buchanan Town Park. Contractors also set up a display with synchronized music. At the February 12 Town Council meeting, council voted to allow volunteers to go ahead with planning the 2024 Festival of Lights stating that it would be put on a work session agenda to work out a budget.
The town’s FY25 budget includes a total budget of $5,100 for the Christmas Market, which is assumed to include the Christmas Festival of Lights. The volunteers request a budget of $4,637. The parade, which takes place on December 14 at 4 p.m., is budgeted.
Other notes from Buchanan Town Manager
Buchanan Town Manager Angela Lawrence included her monthly report from the October agenda packet stating that her first full month as town manager “has been very busy, but we are making good progress on several items.”
Town Treasurer Eva Shannon resigned on October 4. Last week, the town began advertising for that position as well as a new Community Engagement position.
Lawrence thanked volunteers for helping coordinate the Mountain Magic festival on October 5. She noted the “very positive feedback” from the event.
She also shared updates on grant work in town noting that the Factory Flats apartment complex project is “moving along.” Currently, the builders are working on the two outstanding portions of the project that should be completed in the coming week. Lawrence added that the neighboring A Few Old Goats Brewing hopes to open this month.
For a full rundown of Town Council’s October agenda, go to www.buchanan-va.gov/media/2306.
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