In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated March 14, 2005, in the original principal amount of $96,008.50 recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Botetourt County, Virginia as Instrument No. 050001435 . The undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Botetourt County, Main Street, Fincastle, VA 24090 on September 9, 2019, at 3:00 PM, the property described in said Deed of Trust, located at the above address, and more particularly described as follows: THOSE CERTAIN TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND, LYING AND BEING IN THE AMSTERDAM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, BOTETOURT COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT: TRACT NUMBER ONE: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE ROAD AT ONE; THENCE WITH THE ROAD S.43 3/4 DEGREES W. 10 POLES TO A POINT IN THE SAME ROAD AT TWO; THENCE S. 35 DEGREES 25` W. 28 POLES TO A POINT IN THE ROAD AT THREE; THENCE LEAVING THE ROAD S. 51 DEGREES E. 1.4 POLES TO A POINT IN THE OLD BACK CREEK ROAD AT FOUR LAND OF J.W. SHAVER; THENCE WITH HIS LINE N. 30 DEGREES E. 1 1/2 POLES TO A POINT AT FIVE NEWAR A LARGE WHITE OAK TREE; THENCE N. 51 DEGREES E. 18 POLES ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THE SAID CORNER TO SHAVER AND H.G. BRECKENRIDGE; THENCE WITH THE LATTER N. 33 DEGREES E. 10 POLES TO A STAKE AT SEVEN IN THE SAID OLD ROAD; THENCE N. 49 DEGREES E. 8.2 POLES TO A POINT AT EIGHT AT THE NORTH EDGE OF THE SAID OLD ROAD; THENCE LEAVING BRECKENRIDGE N. 41 DEGREES W. 7.4 POLES TO THE BEGINNING, THE SAME CONTAINING 1 ACRE, MORE OR LESS, AND 36 POLES. THIS IS A PARCEL OF LAND DEEDED TO THE SAID JOHN BROWN BY J. G. LAYMAN. TRACT NUMBER TWO: BEGINNING AT A STAKE AT ONE IN THE OLD BACK CREEK ROAD CORNER TO THE SAID BROWN`S LAND AND THE UTAH VIRGINIA MINERAL COMPANY TRACT; THENCE WITH THE LATTER S. 55 DEGREES E. 36.6 POLES TO A STAKE AT TWO ON TOP OF THE RIDGE; THENCE A NEW LINE S. 54 1/2 DEGREES W. 18 1/2 POLES TO A FENCE POST AT THREE; THENCE WITH THE FENCE N. 74 DEGREES W. 9 POLES TO A FENCE POST AT FOUR; THENCE S. 89 1/2 DEGREES W. 23 3/4 POLES TO A POST AT FIVE; THENCE S. 61 DEGREES W. 13.2 POLES PASSING A WHITE OAK MARKED AS A LINE AT 11.3 POLES TO A POINT AT SIX IN THE BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS ROAD AND WITH THE SAME ROAD AND THE LAND OF J. G. LAYMAN N. 16 DEGREES E. 5.6 POLES TO SEVEN; THENCE N. 30 DEGREES E. 21 POLES TO EIGHT; THENCE N. 51 DEGREES E TO THE BEGINNING. THIS CONTAINS 6 ACRES AND 5 POLES LESS THAT 2.7 ACRES CONVEYED BY L. L. DOOLEY AND WIFE TO J. M. DOOLEY AND LOTTIE DOOLEY BY DEED DATED MARCH 22, 1946 AND RECORDED IN THE CLERK`S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BOTETOURT COUNTY IN DEED BOOK 96, AT PAGE 186. THE AFORESAID 2.7 ACRES IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PIN ON THE EAST LINE OF THE FINCASTLE ROAD, FORMERLY BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS ROAD, SAID PIN BEING ON END OF A DIVIDING LINE AND ON LINE OF A LIGHT POLE AND AN OLD FENCE EXTENDED AND 30 FEET FROM THE FENCE ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE SAID ROAD; THENCE LEAVING THE ROAD S. 55 DEGREES E. 619.5 FEET TO A PIN AND A FENCE LINE CORNER TO GROSS; THENCE S. 52 1/2 DEGREES W. 21 FEET TO A PERSIMMON TREE AND WITH A FENCE LIN N. 75 DEGREES W. 160 FEET TO A FENCE POST; THENCE S. 88 DEGREES W. 395 FEET A POST AND S. 61 1/2 DEGREES W. 236.5 FEET PASSING A WHITE OAK ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE ROAD TO A PIN IN THE SAID ROAD; THENCE WITH THE SAID ROAD N. 25 1/2 DEGREES E. 218 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST SIDE OF THE LINE OF SAID ROAD AND WITH THE SAME N. 35 1/4 DEGREES E. 293 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 2.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject Deed of Trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser may, if provided by the terms of the Trustee’s Memorandum of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled to a $50 cancellation fee from the Substitute Trustee, but shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at Additional terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The sale is subject to seller confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1004, Arlington, VA 22201.
For more information contact:
BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rockville, MD 20852,
301-961-6555, website: