As information related to COVID-19 is constantly being updated, I want to provide answers to some frequently asked questions to help you better understand and navigate this pandemic.
Should I wear a facemask?
I recommend wearing cloth face coverings when you are in public settings and cannot maintain six feet of distance from others. It is considered an additional layer of protection for you to prevent spreading the virus to others but will not prevent you from others’ spread of COVID-19 without all protective measures, such as washing your hands and maintaining physical distance. This recommendation is for cloth face coverings only, not medical-grade masks or respirators.
What is a close contact?
A close contact is a person who has been within about six feet of a COVID-19 case for a prolonged period of time or has had direct contact with secretions from a person with confirmed novel coronavirus infection.
What should I do if I’ve been exposed to a COVID-19 case?
If you’ve had close contact (see above) with a person diagnosed with COVID-19, stay home and monitor your health symptoms for 14 days after your last contact.
If you live in the same household as someone sick with COVID-19, the person who is sick must stay home until their fever has been gone for three full days without using any fever-reducing medicine, the other symptoms have improved, and at least seven days have passed since the symptoms first appeared. After this time, the person can stop home isolation and is no longer considered infectious.
You, as the household contact, should stay home while the person is sick, while the person is recovering, and for 14 days after their home isolation ends.
What is the health department doing to combat COVID-19?
Staff members have mobilized a response to COVID-19 in order to protect the health and well-being of those living within the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts. First, our epidemiological response is robust – we advise patients with COVID-19 on isolation protocol and do contact tracing for every positive COVID-19 case to recommend quarantine for those who are close contacts. A Health Department Operations Center has been activated to coordinate our response. We have established a call center to answer questions from the public: 1-855-949-8378.
Communication and support is also underway with locality emergency managers, hospitals, healthcare providers, first responders, law enforcement, and others. Our Public Health Nurses are able to provide testing to high-priority cases including symptomatic healthcare workers, first responders, employees and residents in various congregate facilities such as long-term care and homeless shelters, and those hospitalized. We are also distributing personal protective equipment from the Strategic National Stockpile to healthcare organizations. Our team is also providing timely and accurate public health information to the media, partners, and the community. Lastly, to continue providing our core clinical functions safely, we are protecting our staff and clients by providing services by appointment only and prioritizing clinic functions on critical healthcare needs. We are also screening all staff, visitors, and clients for COVID-19 symptoms and staff are encouraged to telework when possible.
What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath)?
Call your primary care physician for medical advice should you experience symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath).
I hope that you and your family are staying safe. If you have additional questions, please call our call center so that our skilled staff can help get you information: 1-855-949-8378. Virginia’s health is in your hands. Do your part, stop the spread.