By Matt de Simone
Botetourt County honored its veterans last Friday. Local organizations, businesses, and schools honored local individuals for their military service.
The 13th annual Veterans Day program was held by the Botetourt Sunshine Girls last Friday at Troutville Town Hall. Over 50 visitors attended the event with 25 veterans who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm who received recognition for their service. Sheriff Matt Ward spoke to guests of the program and helped the Sunshine Girls distribute medals to the veterans in attendance. Along with the medal presentation, the Sunshine Girls treated the guests to food and hospitality in this annual celebration of Botetourt’s veterans.
Several schools celebrated Veterans Day with programs highlighting local veterans. The Builder’s Club of Central Academy Middle School hosted the annual Veterans Day ceremony on Thursday. The Central Academy Patriot Band and Chorus performed and visitors heard from guest speaker, Botetourt County Deputy Sheriff and veteran, Lt. Scott Gathje. Breckinridge Elementary School held a program that featured students reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, performing a flag routine, and interacting with local veterans. Colonial Elementary School saw over 50 veterans in the community celebrate during a program that featured students thanking local veterans, taking photos, and participating in a student chorus performance.