By Matt de Simone
The volunteer trail builders who have spent time over the last year building out the walking trail along Fincastle’s revitalized Big Spring Park continued their work last week. The latest step in the project is preparing the outdoor classroom neighboring Breckinridge Elementary School. On Wednesday, the volunteers worked on the clearing next to the school. Over the weekend, Eagle Scout Carter Baka-Collins from Troop 211 in Troutville and other volunteers from the Boy Scouts began construction of the entry gate and fencing along the classroom.
Town Manager Melanie McFadyen recently talked about the work done to Big Spring Park over the last several months.
“Liz Belcher and the Pathfinders for Greenways Midweek Crew dedicated two Wednesdays in a row to working on the Fincastle Big Spring Park Trail and Outdoor Classroom,” McFadyen explained. “Between 15 and 17 volunteers provided a total of 13 hours work to complete three trail benches with concrete pads; maintenance on the existing trail; installation of nine benches for the outdoor classroom and extension of the trail into the classroom for ADA compliance.
“This was a massive undertaking that saved the town thousands of dollars in construction costs as well as machinery which was provided in-kind. Up to this point, Pathfinders has provided well over $6,000 of in-kind support for our trails. Their work has made it possible for grant funds to be used for other important additions to our trail amenities. This group of volunteers arrived early and stayed late in order to complete this project and kept smiling doing the work that they love. The town owes them a debt of gratitude and can’t thank them enough for all their time and energy.”
Here are some photos of the crew hard at work last week.