The Botetourt County Republican Women installed officers for the 2017 term at the February meeting. The officers are as follows: President Grace Connor, Vice-President Lisa Dodson, Treasurer Susan Altizer, Recording Secretary Brenda MacLean and Corresponding Secretary Irmgard Hartless.
Special guests for the meeting were Cher McCoy, VFRW 6th District representative, and Cathy Gillespie.
The 40th annual BCRW Outstanding Republican Award was presented by Grace Connor to this year’s winner, Brenda MacLean.
Botetourt County Republican Women meet on the first Tuesday of the month at the Fincastle Brach Library in the Community Room and the meetings begin at 6:30. Tuesday, March 7, will be the next meeting and in support of the Barbara Bush Reading Initiative, members will be collecting gently read or new books of all levels. These books will be donated to the Roanoke Rescue Mission for their library.
Any interested woman is invited to attend and learn more about the club.