The Town of Fincastle will hold two public hearings at the upcoming September 14 meeting at the Fincastle Volunteer Firehouse training room. The hearings are scheduled so Tow Council and the town’s Planning Commission can gain public input on the matters discussed.
The first hearing will take place during the Fincastle Planning Commission meeting at 6 p.m. The commission is proposing an ordinance that would establish the procedure and requirements prior to the issuing of a demolition permit for any historic building that is 100 years old or older within the Town of Fincastle. This ordinance would only apply to primary buildings and will not apply to accessory structures such as sheds, garages, or storage buildings.
Following the meeting of the Planning Commission, Fincastle Town Council will hold two public hearings. The first is about a proposal made by the Fincastle Planning Commission to create an Uptown Mixed Use Expansion district extending one block out from the intersection of Main and Roanoke Streets applicable to properties that have frontage on those streets. This proposal will not change the existing zoning for current uses in this district.
The other hearing regards proposed text amendments are to the accessory building or structures ordinance. These amendments are for the purpose of better clarifying several of the terms in the existing ordinance and defining the number of such structures that are allowed.
A copy of this proposed text amendment may be obtained at the Fincastle Town office during regular business hours.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report