Photo courtesy of Botetourt 4-H Horse and Pony Club
On Sept. 7-9, 293 participants from across Virginia traveled to The Virginia Horse Center in Lexington to compete in the 62nd annual Virginia State 4-H Horse and Pony Show.
The emphasis of Virginia’s 4-H Horse and Pony program is project-based learning about equine selection, nutrition, management, riding, recreation, fun, competition, horsemanship, and sportsmanship. Horseback riding provides an outdoor sports fitness program for physical, personal, and emotional development, including confidence building. The sport can develop into a life-long hobby or career. Projects are available for youth owning or having access to horses, and also for youth not having access to horses (horseless horse projects).
Listed below are the members of Botetourt County 4-H’s Horse and Pony Club who placed during the event:
Ashley Wilmer’s, age 16, third year competing at the state Show
Horse: Wilburn’s Angel, aka Venus
Home Barn: Harmony Equestrian, trainer Stacey Collins
Senior Training 1 Dressage: 7th
Senior Showmanship: blue
Senior showmanship championship: 7th
Senior trail class: 4th
Sr. Equitation: 2nd
Equitation Classic: 3rd
Portfolio project book: champion
Team stable management: blue ribbon
She also placed in the top 10 for horse judging and for hippology
Jaiden Ayers, age 15, second year competing at the state Show
Horse: Ben Jammin, aka Ben
Home Barn: Harmony Equestrian, trainer Stacey Collins
Training 1 Sr. dressage: 8th
Training 2 Sr. dressage: 6th
Senior Showmanship: blue ribbon
Senior Showmanship Championship: 9th place
Team stable management: blue
Project book: red ribbon
Caroline Watkins, age 15, first time competing at the state show
Horse: Blonde Bombshell, aka Zoey
Home Barn: Harmony Equestrian, trainer Stacey Collins
Training 1 Sr. Dressage: 3rd place
Training 2 Sr. Dressage: 3rd place
Showmanship: red ribbon
Sr. Equitation: 7th place
Equitation Classic: 9th place
Team stable management : blue ribbon
She also placed in the top 10 for Horse Judging
Bryan Jones Jr, age 13, first time competing at the state show
Horse: Etch-a Sketch, aka Sketch
Home Barn: Harmony Equestrian, trainer Stacey Collins
Junior Showmanship: blue
Junior Showmanship Championship: 5th place
Junior Walk/trot/canter Equitation: 4th place
Junior Intro Training 1: 3rd place
Junior Dressage intro test C: 5th place
Walk/trot/canter junior trail class: 7th place
Junior Project book: blue ribbon
Team stable management: blue ribbon
Club Leaders: Stacey Collins and Mallory Denison
4-H Extension Agent: Tyler Painter
Senior Division is age 14-18
Junior Division is age 9-13
Any youth age 9 and up are welcome to join the club. The Horse and Pony Club is where kids learn all about horses and experience hands-on activities. There is no cost at this time thanks to regular fundraising efforts. The club meets once per month. The goal is to have fun and learn about horses.
Additional groups within the club:
Hippology: This activity enhances learning for 4-H members by letting them exhibit their knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry in a competitive setting.
Horse judging: no experience is needed. This group teaches youth how to evaluate horses and how to make and defend their choices.
The club participates in competitions against other clubs in hippology and horse judging.
Riding team: Kids can ride at any barn or with any trainer. They must qualify at three local horse shows to participate in state show and must have a horse to compete with.
Children under the age of 9 can join the Cloverbud Horse and Pony Club.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report