The Botetourt County Democratic Party is awarding two $500 scholarships: one to a graduating student from James River High School and another to a Lord Botetourt High School graduating student.
Students from all political viewpoints are encouraged to apply.
Applicants are required to submit a 150-300-word essay describing How the Balance of Power of the Three Branches, Judicial, Congressional and Executive, cooperate as a democracy in the Republic.
Include a one-page sheet with the following information:
- Name, address, phone number, parents’ names
- High School(s) attended
- College Plans
- A list of your five most important high school activities
A Signature and Pledge with date that the material is original and prepared by the applicant, and a sentence describing what you learned in researching the essay, plus your willingness to allow submitted material to be published as part of the winners’ announcement
Mail to Peggy Davis, P.O. Box 33, Fincastle, 24090. All essays must be postmarked by April 1. Applications not received by the due date or do not include the required information cannot be considered.