The Town of Buchanan will hold a candidate forum for the upcoming elections for Buchanan Town Council and mayor October 21 at the Buchanan Theatre. The forum will hear from the town’s mayoral candidates Christopher Witt and Susan Way at 6:30 p.m., followed by hearing from Town Council candidates Brenda Noszek, Daniel Bratcher, Edith “Sissy” Austin, James Manspile, and L. Brent Witt at 7 p.m.
Botetourt County elections take place on November 5.
For more information about the forum, contact the Buchanan Town Office at 540-254-1212. Any questions about the upcoming county elections can be made to the County Registrar’s Office at 540-928-2120 or by visiting the office’s website at www.botetourtva.gov/403/Department-of-Elections-Voter-Registrati.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report