“We have done a couple of food drive events here at the theater since closing, but this will be the first movie shown in over four months,” said Sharon Coleman who is president and does movie scheduling at the theater. “We want to make sure that our patrons and our volunteers are as safe as they can be while getting out in the public and enjoying some entertainment.”
Other precautions are that hand sanitizer will be readily available; movie-goers will be ushered to their seat to ensure social distancing; the seats used will be marked so that even though they are sanitized, they won’t be used again during that movie week; customers may order food from their seat and have it delivered to avoid lines at the concession stand; volunteers will be wearing masks and/or behind shields to protect customers, and customers are asked to wear masks if they are able until the movie has started.
Coleman stated that about a third of their regular volunteers have opted to not participate for a while because of their own health risks or those that they care for.
Movies will run Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30, Sunday afternoons at 3 and Thursday evenings at 7:30. Initially, the theater will be showing some older movies as many of the film studios have delayed releases until next year of newer movies or released them through streaming services.
“We are very excited, however, to have our very first first-run movie on its release date, July 31,” Coleman shared. “This is about an event that took place in Henry County approximately five years ago, called ‘My Brother’s Crossing’ from the book ‘In the Blink of an Eye’ by J.T. and Terri Lee Clark. It’s a story of forgiveness and very fitting for the times we are living in.”
Ticket prices remain $6 for adults, $5 for members and $3 for children. Doors will open 45 minutes before movie start time to enable the extra time of delivering snacks, etc. This week’s movie will be “Jeremiah Johnson.”