The Daleville/Fincastle Lions Club met at Leonardo’s in Fincastle for a business meeting on Tuesday, May 14. The guest speaker was Alan Ronk, president and CEO of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia. As explained by Ronk, this organization helps individuals, families, nonprofit organizations and others establish permanent charitable legacies. Through a named fund within the Community Foundation, donors are able to carry out their objectives in an efficient and effective manner.
During the business portion of the meeting, President Carole Smith awarded Lion Mary Sue McCormack the “Lion of the Year” award. This award is based on meeting the following criteria: participation in activities, membership development, programs, committees, and the community, serving as an officer, dependability, sincerity of purpose, positive attitude and leadership, plus demonstrated abilities in communication and organization.
The next regular meeting of the Lions Club will be Wednesday, July 3, at noon in the Game Room at The Glebe. Visitors are always welcome. For more information about the Lions, contact Forest Wagner at forest@fawagner.com or call 966-0059.