The congregation of Mill Creek Baptist Church invites the community to welcome and honor the Rev. Danny Quirin with a Prayer Service of Dedication on Sunday, April 7 at 4 p.m. in the church sanctuary. A reception will follow in the fellowship hall. He began his pastorate on April 1.

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Since 1996, Quirin served as Associate Pastor and Youth Pastor of Bonsack Baptist Church and has been involved with strategic planning, preaching, and implementation of discipleship programs. He has led numerous special events including weekend retreats, regional and international mission trips and camps. He has also served as “site pastor” in the Community Life Center’s worship services and has provided pastoral care and counseling to youth and adults.
Quirin currently serves as Youth Minister in Residence for the Baptist General Association of Virginia and assists churches and associations across the state with their youth ministries. He has conducted ministry training for churches in Austria, Italy and Romania. Locally, he has been active in the Roanoke Valley Baptist Association and has held leadership, teaching and committee responsibilities pertaining to youth ministry.
Quirin received his education at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. and the John Leland Center for Theological Studies.
He and his wife Debbie live in Blue Ridge. Their family includes four children and their spouses and six grandchildren.
Mill Creek Baptist is located at 11475 Lee Highway, Fincastle.