By Matt de Simone
Julie Phillips introduced new Eagle Rock Library Branch Supervisor Jennifer Hannah to the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors at last week’s monthly meeting. Hannah is a longtime educator who lives in Eagle Rock. She previously taught for several years working in Alleghany County Public Schools and Central Academy Middle School, where she won two teaching awards: WSLS A+ Teacher award and a Conservation Teacher of the Year award. Hannah pilots a brand-new position at Botetourt County Libraries.
The branch supervisor is a new position that oversees the facility, staff, and general library operations. A library team leader oversees specific library operations, while Hannah will oversee the “broader picture” and takes on most of the library’s programming.
A branch supervisor has similar responsibilities to a branch manager; however, a branch supervisor (unlike a branch manager) does not need a library degree or experience, and they do not manage the library-specific activities (such as circulation, readers advisory, research, collection development, etc.).
The library-specific functions are managed by a qualified team leader while the branch supervisor focuses on programming/events and educational initiatives. A branch supervisor may also fill a hybrid role in partnership with another department.

“For the time being, Jennifer will plan and manage Parks & Recreation’s non-athletic programming, such as social, recreational and health/wellness events,” Phillips said in a recent email. “She will also facilitate the library’s programming and logistics. That is, the library’s programs are planned by librarians, but Jennifer makes sure everything gets done in a timely manner. She will also manage agricultural education events for both departments. Since she does not oversee library functions as the branch managers do, that provides opportunity for her to focus her time differently.”
Phillips said during the meeting that the Eagle Rock community currently look for health and wellness assistance in the form of classes, workshops, recreational and social activities.
“We knew that [the libraries] needed someone that wasn’t just a librarian but someone who could so much more,” Phillips said to the board.
Phillips thanks Parks and Recreation Director Mandy Adkins and her recreation team for partnering with the libraries in establishing this new position. Hannah will not only work on library programming, but also working with Adkins and her team on future recreational programming for the county.
This new position emerged from the libraries’ close partnership with Botetourt Parks & Recreation. The rec department currently has limited capacity or access to indoor facilities, according to Phillips. Some types of programming that the community clearly wants and needs falls clearly into recreation’s mission rather than the libraries’, but it’s outside their current capacity to provide. By creating a position that manages programming for both departments, county libraries are able to utilize their existing resources to deliver greater value to the community.
To learn more about Botetourt County Libraries, visit www.botetourtva.gov/161/Libraries.