The Eagle Rock Ruritan Club Year 2020 began with fellowship at the Eagle Rock Community Center with a potluck supper followed by cake and ice cream to celebrate its 70th year as a club. President Donna Vaughn called on song leader Grace Mundy to lead in singing “Happy Birthday” to the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club, commemorating January 12, 1950 as the club’s organizational meeting.
In other activities during the January meeting, the club welcomed Craig Simpkin as a new member. The five Community Service Committees: Business & Professions, Citizenship & Patriotism, Environment, Public Services, and Social Development, each met to plan their objectives of how the club can better serve, encourage, and challenge the Eagle Rock community. The five standing committees: Program & Entertainment, Finance, Public Relations, Membership, and Fellowship, each met to plan ways the club might spread good will in the community.
The Eagle Ruritan Club meets the third Tuesday of each month, and in between monthly meetings members are often working on projects as they seek to improve the neighborhood. For a nominal fee to help with cost of utilities, the Eagle Rock Community Center is available to individuals and organizations in the Eagle Rock area by calling 884-2775.