David Bowers, representing the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club, recently presented 8 plush new Rudy Bears to the Eagle Rock Fire and Rescue Departments.
Several members of the local squads were on hand to receive the donation.
Rudy Bears, the official mascot of Ruritan National, are often supplied to local fire and rescue squads, police and sheriff’s departments, and children’s hospitals to bring comfort to children dealing with difficult situations.
In 2016, Ruritan National changed the color of Rudy Bear’s T-shirt to purple to help raise awareness for Alzheimer’s disease. This change was inspired by Patsy Shelton, wife of then Ruritan National President Calvin Shelton, who lost her mother to Alzheimer’s last year. Ruritan National is encouraging local chapters to expand their donation of Rudy Bears to include local organizations serving people who are suffering from this disease.