Fincastle Town Council will meet this Thursday at the Fincastle Volunteer Fire Department Training Room at 7 p.m.
Council will welcome its new member, James C. Reynolds, to complete the term of Richard Flora, who resigned from the position in July. Reynolds stood before the Clerk of the Count on Sept. 27 taking over the role as Town Council member.
Jim Reynolds, a resident of the Santillane subdivision, was selected by Council to fill this position. He and his wife Betty have lived in Fincastle for seven years. Reynolds is a graduate of Randolph-Macon College and is the retired President and Owner of Reynolds Grain Company in Vinton. He served as Past President of the Daleville-Fincastle Lions Club, and is a member of Fincastle United Methodist Church, where he serves on church council. Reynolds is a board member of Historic Fincastle, Inc., and also has served on the town’s planning commission.
“We want to thank Richard Flora for his insights and guidance during the time he served on Town Council,” Fincastle Mayor Mary Bess Smith shared in a recent email. “We appreciate Jim’s willingness to serve, and look forward to his continued contributions to our community on council.”
Additionally, a VDOT representative will be on hand to discuss the process of getting town roads accepted into the secondary system of state highways.
A public hearing is on the agenda as the town’s Planning Commission continues its efforts to clarify specific ordinances in town. Thursday’s hearing will be about a proposed ordinance establishing procedures prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for any historic buildings within the town limits that was built prior to 1900.
Mayor Smith has also asked council to vote on a formal a resolution considering an agreement between the town and the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, authorizing the town manager and town mayor to act as official representatives when filing for planning grant applications and providing additional information, if required.
There will also be updates from council regarding Big Spring Park, the CDBG Planning Grant, and upcoming street closures during the First Bank Fall Run, and Tinsel Trail.
To read more in this month’s meeting agenda packet, please see townoffincastle.org/agenda-minutes-packets.php.