Photo by Aila Boyd
By AILA BOYD aboyd@ourvalley.org
Genealogy 2020 held a planning meeting earlier in the month at the Fincastle Library to hash out more details about the event.
Planning for the event has been going on since October, but a date and location have yet to be set.
Rene Worthen, co-chair of Genealogy 2020, explained she’s disappointed that a location has not been decided upon yet, but noted that if it comes down to it, she will have the event in her backyard.
Currently, two locations are being considered: Breckinridge Elementary School and the Greenfield Education and Training Center. Worthen explained that having it at Breckinridge might be favorable because it’s located in Fincastle, which would allow people to more easily visit the historic buildings and locations located in the county seat.
“I want to make people as welcome to the county as possible,” Worthen said.
The deciding factor will be the cost.
Ideally, Worthen said, people who want to set up a booth with information about their family won’t have to pay to do so. However, that might not be the case depending upon how much it will cost to use the school.
Worthen is in the process of completing an application for use of the school.
When using school buildings, a custodian must be present in order to monitor the use of the facility. If Breckinridge ends up being the location of the event, the Botetourt Genealogy Club will have to pay in order to have the custodian present. Also, if the cafeteria is used to prepare food for the event, a cafeteria worker will have to be paid in order to supervise the use of the equipment.
In order to cover potential costs, fundraising options are being explored. Worthen said that she’s already received a $100 donation, adding that she doesn’t want it to get “lonely.”
If enough funds aren’t raised, the idea of charging a cover fee to attend the event hasn’t been ruled out.
The idea of sponsoring a philanthropic cause was floated in order to increase donations from individuals who might not necessarily be interested in genealogy, but do have an interest in doing good. It was decided that if any funds are left over after the event, that the remainder will go to help with the restoration of the old courthouse.
Despite not having a date or location yet, the official theme of the genealogy event was decided upon. “Life in the Past Lane” was chosen due to the fact that it covers both genealogy and history.
In order to have equal representation among all of the communities throughout the county at the event, the idea to appoint liaisons was devised. The liaisons will act as go-betweens for the organizers of the event and local churches and community organizations.
The tentative schedule for the event is as follows:
- Wednesday: Set up day
- Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: focus on the genealogy of individual families
- Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: focus on the genealogy of individual families
- Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: honoring the fallen
- Sunday 12 to 4 p.m.: DNA/kids day
A petting zoo and old-fashioned games will also be available on Sunday.
Guest speakers will be on hand to talk about the various wars fought throughout the nation’s history.