The GFWC Botetourt Town & Country Women’s Club held its annual Recognition and Installation of Officers Banquet on January 23at the Shenandoah Club in Roanoke.
Sandy Pauley, GFWC Blue Ridge District President, installed the following officers: President Linda Emick, 1st Vice President Yvonne Frazier, 2nd Vice President Nancy Womack, Secretary Gladys Rasnick and Treasurer Julie Gladu.
The “Volunteer of the Year Award” went to Pat Honts and Ann Layman.
The members are making plans for their second annual “Funfest” to be held at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Daleville on April 1. Funfest, a fundraiser for the club, is a day of card or board games with fellowship and food. Tickets will be available soon from any club member.
The GFWC Botetourt Town & Country WC is a civic organization for women who want to volunteer in their community and make new and lasting friendships. Monthly programs are informative, interesting and educational. The club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Daleville. The BTCWC is part of GFWC Virginia and the General Federation of Women’s Club (GFWC). For more information, write to GFWC Botetourt Town & Country WC, P.O. Box 96, Daleville, 24083.