Members of Lord Botetourt FFA Chapter participated in the South Ridge Area Rally at the Old Dominion Agriculture Complex in Chatham on Wednesday, April 5. The Rally is an annual event where FFA members go to compete in regional level competitions to qualify for state level competitions.

Brian Watts competed in both the Small Engine Repair and Tractor Operators competition. In the Small Engines competition, Brian placed first and will advance to the state competition at the State Fair of Virginia in September. In the Tractor Operators Competition, he placed second.
Tucker Grimshaw also shined in the Agriculture Mechanics competition as he placed first in the competition. The team of J.P. Whorley, Ethan Ruble, Brandon Creasy and Jacob Powers placed second overall.
The following teams and individuals placed second overall in their respective events: Faith Settle in Prepared Public Speaking, Reagan Hall in Extemporaneous Public Speaking, J.P. Whorley and Tucker Grimshaw in Tractor Troubleshooting, and the Nursery Landscape team consisting of Aviana Wilson and Lauren Gentry.
Aviana Wilson placed fifth high individual in the Nursery Landscaping competition.
The Lord Botetourt FFA thanks all of those in the community that have supported the chapter through annual fundraising projects as well as James River Equipment for sponsoring both the Tractor Operators competition and the Tractor Troubleshooting competition.